Water Quality Trouble Shooting - Post CZU Fire


Due to the CZU Lightning Complex Fires the District is primarily using well water sources to supply its customers in its system (areas including Ben Lomond, Brookdale, and Boulder Creek). As a majority of the District’s surface water sources were damaged during the fires demand can no longer be met with surface water alone and the District is relying on its wells. The wells have much higher dissolved mineral content than other District water sources.

These minerals include iron, manganese and carbonate hardness and are naturally occurring in well water. These minerals do not pose a health hazard, but can affect the aesthetic qualities of water, such as taste, odor and color.

The District uses 'free chlorine' as a residual disinfectant throughout the water distribution system. Chlorine odors become stronger as the water temperature increases.  This can especially be noticed in the shower, or on hot days. 

To learn more view the District's Water Quality Troubleshooting click here. 

To view additional information on water quality relating to the CZU fires and to see all lab results click here. 

As usual, if you think you are experiencing a water quality issue, never hesitate to contact the office at 831-338-2153 or learn more on our website