Now Available 2022 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)


This annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) includes information on sources of water distributed by the San Lorenzo Valley Water District (SLVWD) and includes a summary of the water quality tested in 2022. This report is intended to inform customers of the SLVWD about their drinking water quality. In an effort to provide this report to everyone, the District encourages landlords to provide a copy of this report to their tenants. The SLVWD safeguards its water supplies and provides surface water treatment to ensure that customers receive the highest quality drinking water possible. In 2022, as in the years past, the SLVWD is pleased to report that our water provided to our customers met or surpassed all State of California and US Environmental Protection Agency drinking water health standards.

The 13-page report is now available to the public on the District’s website HERE.

To obtain a paper copy of the 2022 Consumer Confidence Report, contact the San Lorenzo Valley Water District at or call (831) 338-2153.